In the News
Job Posting: Marketing & Development Director
Missed the Boat Theatre is seeking a part-time administrative professional to take the lead on marketing and fundraising efforts.
Usher for CYA: The Musical and get a free ticket!
Sign up by yourself or with a few friends!
Announcing our 2024 CYA Cast!
After holding our most competitive auditions yet, Missed the Boat Theatre is thrilled to announce our cast for this June!
Catholic Young Adults: The Musical returns to the stage June 2024!
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of its debut, Missed the Boat Theatre will be remounting our original hit musical, Catholic Young Adults: The Musical, June 20-29, 2024, at Helene Houle Auditorium at Saint Agnes School in St. Paul, MN, directed by Christina Malloy.
Missed the Boat welcomes two new staff members.
Please welcome Mary Shaffer as Development and Communications Director, and Samantha Wend Vargo as Operations and Events Director.
Meet our new Community Coordinator, Laura Kuschel!
Laura will serve those who have participated in the cast, crew, and production teams of our previous shows, by sending updates, planning community events, and generally being the glue that holds us together between productions!
Announcing our Leadership Team!
In December 2022, we transitioned to a season-based model of leadership, forming a Leadership Team that will provide stable, year-round planning, strategy, and oversight of the organization.